Manfaat bawang putih:
Pendongkrak stamina seks
Penangkal flu
Membasmi cacing perut
Mengobati rematik
Meredakan insomnia
Memerangi hipertnsi, stroke, jantung koroner, diabetes, ketidakseimbangan kolesterol, kanker
Menurunkan berat badan
1 cup cooked rice
1 tbsp small pieces of shootake mushroom
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp sliced garlic
1 tbsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp cooking oil cucumber, carot, onion
1. Put the oil in a wok and heat. When it is hot, put in the chopped garlic, sauté until golden.
2. Put the rice into the wok and stir fry. Add the mushroom and mix everything together well.
3. Season with the soy sauce. Add the sliced garlic, and continue stir frying until the garlic is done.
4. Dip up onto a plate, and serve hot with the cucumber, carrot and spring onion.